Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Historical, Present, and Future Perspectives of the Social Security Program in the US
The concept of social security system is complex, although understandable under rigorous exertion. Various socioeconomic factors inspired the concept of social security system. This essay discusses the historical, present, and future perspectives of the social security program in the US.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on The Historical, Present, and Future Perspectives of the Social Security Program in the US specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The starting point of Social Security lies in anticipation of how an individual or a family sustains income when age encroaches, or disability jeopardizes the capacity to work, when a wage earner dies, or when an employer encounters involuntary unemployment (DeWitt, 2010, p. 1). Every society, through history, encountered this challenge often and developed various strategies to address this issue. The diverse strategies intended to solve this problem were based on the inte rplay of individual and collective efforts. Private insurance provided a historical basis for Social Security. In the seventeenth century, private insurance was the chief way that the affluent protected their assets, particularly real property. Nevertheless, the notion of insuring against consistent economic hazards and threats was established in the late nineteenth century in a model of social insurance. Social insurance in contemporary industrial societies offers an avenue for mitigating setbacks of economic security. The ideology of social insurance is that, people contribute into a fund scheme controlled by the government, which it uses to reimburse individuals when they become unable to sustain themselves. The U.S. social security system benefits are weighted to allow individuals with lower earnings get higher benefit relative to those with higher incomes. Thus, the system provides progressivity regarding benefits. At the onset of the industrial revolution, the demand for a wor king social security was inevitable. In preindustrial era, most Americans depended on land for self-employment as farmers, artisans, and laborers (DeWitt, 2010, p. 2). They lived in extended families, which provided the principal form of economic security for unproductive members. Economic security was not a threatening issue in preindustrial America because for people did not live for long due to poor healthcare systems and living habits. Nevertheless, with industrialization came prolonged life expectancy; therefore, the need for new and dynamic strategies for reliable economic security became a necessity.Advertising Looking for assessment on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The aforementioned transformation led to the development of many programs to maintain social security of individuals who due to old age or disability reached an endpoint of productivity. The last decade of the nineteenth century saw the co nception of Civil War Pension program. DeWitt (2010) observes that, the federal government started to pay benefits to Union War veterans and their living families about the commencement of war (3). The Civil War pension scheme became a genuine social insurance program by the end of the 19th century. This program was valid until 2003 when the last surviving widow of Civil War veteran passed on. In January 17, 1935, the Economic Security Act was proposed and presented to Congress for discussion, which culminated into its enactment into law on August 14, 1935 (DeWitt, 2010, p. 4). Currently, this law is termed as the Social Security, which consists of seven distinct programs. The aforementioned Social Security Act inspired the initial payroll taxes in 1937 and the 1942 introduction of monthly benefits. This represented a form of a vesting period during which the least amount of work will be prerequisite to monthly benefits qualification. In addition, this period provided time to accumu late some level of reserves in the programââ¬â¢s account prior to flow of payments to recipients (DeWitt, 2010, p. 7). The Social Security program, following its conception, was more sensible compared to the current system. The original program reimbursed two types of one-time, huge benefit. An individual approaching age 65 then, would be entitled to payment worth 3.5 percent of his/her covered income, while deceased employeeââ¬â¢s estate would get a death benefit computed in a similar manner. Therefore, I would ensure the future of the social security program by adopting the initial strategies, which worked satisfactorily for the benefit of all people. Reference DeWitt, L. (2010). The Development of Social Security in America. Social Security Bulletin , 70(3), 1-27. Retrived from web. This assessment on The Historical, Present, and Future Perspectives of the Social Security Program in the US was written and submitted by user Izaiah R. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Casting and Data Type Conversions in VB.NET
Casting and Data Type Conversions in VB.NET Casting is the process of converting one data type to another, for example, from an Integer type to a String type. Some operations in VB.NET require specific data types to work. Casting creates the type you need. The first article in this two-part series, Casting and Data Type Conversions in VB.NET, introduces casting. This article describes the three operators you can use to cast in VB.NET - DirectCast, CType and TryCast - and compares their performance. Performance is one of the big differences between the three casting operators according to Microsoft and other articles. For example, Microsoft is usually careful to warn that, DirectCast ... can provide somewhat better performance than CType when converting to and from data type Object. (Emphasis added.) I decided to write some code to check. But first a word of caution. Dan Appleman, one of the founders of the technical book publisher Apress and a reliable technical guru, once told me that benchmarking performance is much harder to do correctly than most people realize. There are factors like machine performance, other processes that might be running in parallel, optimization like memory caching or compiler optimization, and errors in your assumptions about what the code is actually doing. In these benchmarks, I have tried to eliminate apples and oranges comparison errors and all tests have been run with the release build. But there still might be errors in these results. If you notice any, please let me know. The three casting operators are: DirectCastCTypeTryCast In practical fact, you will usually find that the requirements of your application will determine which operator you use. DirectCast and TryCast have very narrow requirements. When you use DirectCast, the type must already be known. Although the code ... theString DirectCast(theObject, String) ... will compile successfully if theObject isnt a string already, then the code will throw a runtime exception. TryCast is even more restrictive because it wont work at all on value types such as Integer. (String is a reference type. For more on value types and reference types, see the first article in this series.) This code ... theInteger TryCast(theObject, Integer) ... wont even compile. TryCast is useful when youre not sure what type of object youre working with. Rather than throwing an error like DirectCast, TryCast just returns Nothing. The normal practice is to test for Nothing after executing TryCast. Only CType (and the other Convert operators like CInt and CBool) will convert types that dont have an inheritance relationship such as an Integer to a String: Dim theString As String 1 Dim theInteger As Integer theInteger CType(theString, Integer) This works because CType uses helper functions that arent part of the .NET CLR (Common Language Runtime) to perform these conversions. But remember that CType will also throw an exception if theString doesnt contain something that can be converted to an Integer. If theres a possibility that the string isnt an integer like this ... Dim theString As String George ... then no casting operator will work. Even TryCast wont work with Integer because its a value type. In a case like this, you would have to use validity checking, such as the TypeOf operator, to check your data before trying to cast it. Microsofts documentation for DirectCast specifically mentions casting with an Object type so thats what I used in my first performance test. Testing begins on the next page! DirectCast will usually use an Object type, so thats what I used in my first performance test. To include TryCast in the test, I also included an If block since nearly all programs that use TryCast will have one. In this case, however, it will never be executed. Heres the code that compares all three when casting an Object to a String: Dim theTime As New Stopwatch() Dim theString As String Dim theObject As Object An Object Dim theIterations As Integer CInt(Iterations.Text) * 1000000 DirectCast Test theTime.Start() For i 0 To theIterations theString DirectCast(theObject, String) Next theTime.Stop() DirectCastTime.Text theTime.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString CType Test theTime.Restart() For i As Integer 0 To theIterations theString CType(theObject, String) Next theTime.Stop() CTypeTime.Text theTime.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString TryCast Test theTime.Restart() For i As Integer 0 To theIterations theString TryCast(theObject, String) If theString Is Nothing Then MsgBox(This should never display) End If Next theTime.Stop() TryCastTime.Text theTime.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString This initial test seems to show that Microsoft is right on target. Heres the result. (Experiments with larger and smaller numbers of iterations as well as repeated tests under different conditions didnt show any significant differences from this result.) Click Here to display the illustration DirectCast and TryCast were similar at 323 and 356 milliseconds, but CType took over three times as much time at 1018 milliseconds. When casting reference types like this, you pay for the flexibility of CType in performance. But does it always work this way? The Microsoft example in their page for DirectCast is mainly useful for telling you what wont work using DirectCast, not what will. Heres the Microsoft example: Dim q As Object 2.37 Dim i As Integer CType(q, Integer) The following conversion fails at run time Dim j As Integer DirectCast(q, Integer) Dim f As New System.Windows.Forms.Form Dim c As System.Windows.Forms.Control The following conversion succeeds. c DirectCast(f, System.Windows.Forms.Control) In other words, you cant use DirectCast (or TryCast, although they dont mention it here) to cast an Object type to an Integer type, but you can use DirectCast to cast a Form type to a Control type. Lets check the performance of Microsofts example of what will work with DirectCast. Using the same code template shown above, substitute ... c DirectCast(f, System.Windows.Forms.Control) ... into the code along with similar substitutions for CType and TryCast. The results are a little surprising. Click Here to display the illustration DirectCast was actually the slowest of the three choices at 145 milliseconds. CType is just a little quicker at 127 milliseconds but TryCast, including an If block, is the quickest at 77 milliseconds. I also tried writing my own objects: Class ParentClass ... End Class Class ChildClass Inherits ParentClass ... End Class I got similar results. It appears that if youre not casting an Object type, youre better off not using DirectCast.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Impact of ICT on Every Aspect of Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Impact of ICT on Every Aspect of Life - Essay Example ICTs have connected the people together through social networking provided by mobile phones, personal computers and internet. People are able to help each other and even get married by means of this electronic means of interaction. Distance doesnââ¬â¢t matter since people are only a phone call away from each other. This way people travel more often for business or pleasure and still manage to stay connected at office or home. International trade has been increased with the help of information and communication technologies. This global trade includes goods and services being exchanged among different nations. Service industries which especially include public relations and public communication management have also experienced high growth in productivity and profitability by adopting ICTs (Sapprasert 2010). Call centers and software houses are the most successful examples of international trade taking place in terms of services. Thus, the developed countries get their required serv ices at a very low rate while the developing and underdeveloped countries benefit from the foreign trade which brings earning opportunities and reduces poverty for them. The interdependency of different economies resulting through globalization has also brought challenges along with its benefits; such challenges include the current economic crisis worldwide, internet scams, etc.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Promise and peril Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Promise and peril - Essay Example The article also notes there are challenges in implementing pay-for-performance programs by managers. One of such is seen on the negative impact on motivation, self-esteem, teamwork, and creativity (Beer, and Cannon 4). The second challenge is that the program may lead the employee to forego other things that would help the organization in pursuit of rewards. Merit has also been shown not to be based on performance. The proponent of the program believes the challenges can be overcome through intelligent design of the program (Beer, and Cannon 4). The article also highlights the role played by managers in pay for performance programs. The article notes managers may opt for adoption, modification, or discontinuation of the programs (Beer, and Cannon 13). The article shows reasons for managers coming up with any of the decision. One influence for decision is on pragmatic commitment to finding ways of improving performance (Beer, and Cannon 13). Their goals are just driven by ensuring there is an improvement in performance but not just desire to apply the new programs. They also viewed the new tool as a combination of other tools that could be used in solving some of the challenge they face. Moreover, failure to gain result of the new tool makes manager adopts other traditional tools. Such tools include close supervision, clear goals, coaching, and training (Beer, and Cannon 13). The managerââ¬â¢s view these tools as being fundamental in management hence change of decision. Additionally, the manager viewed the new program as requiring more time to implement and attracted difficulties in setting performance standards. The new program has been viewed as advantageous. However, it faces the challenges of implementation by
Monday, November 18, 2019
Care Issues with Informatics application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Care Issues with Informatics application - Essay Example In this case, the 80 year old male patientââ¬â¢s condition has worsened and the key issues those are making the instance a challenging one are: 1. Infrastructural limitations 2. Non availability of specialised medical human resource at the local centre 3. Costs. Although the centerpiece of this case is a medical exigency but the case also highlights the crucial role that the technology is now playing in health care. Ever since the invention of monaural stethoscope in early nineteenth century, technologyââ¬â¢s role in assisting clinicians in their noble pursuits has progressively been increasing (Sood, 2006). Telemedicine/telehealth is one such disruptive technology that has the potential to address all the above listed three issues and in many countries it has already started influencing the way ßhealth care services are delivered. Researchers have defined telemedicine as the use of telecommunications technologies to provide medical information and services (Mair & Whitten, 2000). Telemonitoring, mHealth and telesurgery are some of the promising and upcoming applications of telemedicine that aim to address the issues pertaining to the shortage of infrastructural and specialized medical human resources. The present case can also be effectively and efficiently handled with the help of applications like telemonitoring and mHealth. Figure 1. gives an idea about the utility of mHealth, it indicates that mHealth can enable the specialist to monitor the patientââ¬â¢s condition while he/she is at his/ her home or is being transported to the hospital. Telemonitoring systems have already proved to be feasible and acceptable by clinicians. The issues encountered in the context of present case can be easily resolved with the help of commercial telemonitoring systems. Two such commercially available systems are i) TeleMedic Systemsââ¬â¢ Vitalink3 (VitalLink, 2009) ii) Noninââ¬â¢s Onyx II model 9560 (Advancing Telemedicine, 2009). VitalLink enables
Friday, November 15, 2019
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Technology
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Technology ABSTRACT: Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology which attract extra attention and awareness to the world wide business. IP telephonys system will affect the sending voice transmission in the form of packet over the IP network in the VoIP applications. Now a days many industries will use the VoIP technologies to provide the Security. In this project, I provided a variety of VoIP safety intimidation and probable approach to handle the intimidation in VoIP application. VoIP is naturally susceptible to networks attack, like hateful codes (i.e., worms, viruses, Trojans), denial-of-service (DoS), distributed DoS (DDoS), pharming, and (though non malicious) sparkle were crowded. These attacks also spoil grimy system by overriding assets, distracting valid user, compromise private informations, or by demeaning code and records. This break affect the contaminated system, it also destroy the unaffected (or even non-vulnerable) ones. All system associated to the Internet are responsive to hateful code which try to contaminate as much as hosts is probable, cause overcrowding on the network communications. The QoS which is provide to the end user is of highest significance and it is the main issue to implement the VoIP system, since if the exchange is indecipherable then there is no position in giving the service. The major factor which distresses the superiority of services is Latency, Jitter and Packet loss. CHAPTER-1 1.0 Introduction The voice enterprises continuously providing voice conversation services on over broad band by discovering the current market issues and network issues from past 20 years, the voice transition industry undergone various security and network issues to produce better quality voice service to transit on over broad band. The current voice market has been step up into the new level of voice protocols for providing VoIP services during low bandwidth, high level of data and voice transmission provisions. The VOIP technologies allow sharing the resource of WAN for supporting data and voice for saving the cost for transmission process [1]. The VoIP provides many advantages to the enterprises, the migration of voice and telephone application form TDM switch network to IP packet switched network provides many advantages to enterprises during the migration of voice into IP application the enterprises need to provide security to the data applications [2]. However the enterprises need to identify the security issues and employee new techniques to protect against attacks. Security and QoS is a main aspect of VOIP system, the data on voice networks have been attacked by viruses, worms, DOS attacks and other unknown authentication users [3]. The VOIP architecture is a complete network hierarchical structure which is compound with many of the networking devices, the design structure have to ensure that whether the components will cope the unwanted attacks. The protocol structure in a VOIP system is a more sensible factor due to the poor ambitious. Here we introduce the attacks on over VoIP system. VOIP Overview VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol which is the mainly used in the transmission of voice communications through IP network like internet, public switched networks [4]. The concept of VoIP mainly targets of the transmission of voice based messages and applications by using different protocols and is transmitted via the internet. The basic steps involved in the transmission of voice signals through the internet are: à · Conversion of voice to analog and digital signal. à · Compression and conversion of the signal into Internet Protocol Packets to broadcast over Internet. VoIP systems adopt different session control protocols for commanding over the set-up, tear-down of calls and also different audio codecs which allow for encoding the voice signal and allow the transmission. These audio codecs may vary form system to system where some of them are based on the narrow band and some on the compressed speech where some other system may use high fidelity audio codecs. Technologies used to implement VoIP: à · H.323 [12] à · IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) à · Session initiation Protocol (SIP) [5] à · Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) [5] 1.1 Problem Definition In the past days the VoIP security is a not a big concern the people were mainly concerned with the functionalities, cost and the usage, but the VOIP communication trend has been encouraged; the VOIP communication system widely accepted by the people; due to the high acceptance of VOIP system the security issues are main concern. However the VoIP services are rapidly growing in the current voice communication system, many unauthenticated users and hackers are stealing the VoIP services and hacking the services from the service providers and re routing to their personal usage. Some of the security standards are not credential they only supports to authentication over calls, but the problem with the service theft. The security concerns will affect on quality of the system, due to the security tools and security solutions will conflict on quality of service. The system will accept the security tools those tools shouldnt decrease the quality. The basic issue of the quality is firewall. The firewall will blocks the calls for security constrains it will not process the signaling which are allocated to the UDP ports. Due to the security issues on VoIP devices will consumes extra time for packet delivery and which consumes extra time during the call; so it may delay the packet delivery, due to the encryption and decryption mechanism will conflict the call time. 1.2 Objectives of the study The basic objective of this is to detect source of attacked packet on over network ÃË To formally define the network security problems and unauthorized access incidents ÃË To define the most accredited security techniques and security methods ÃË To evaluate the prototype system and packet feature mechanism ÃË Email and other internet message are easily integrated with the voice applications ÃË To support the multimedia applications, which provides less cost effective services for video conference, gaming ÃË To supports a low cost, flat rate pricing on the voice communication over the Public Internet and Intranet services. ÃË Sends the call signaling messages over the IP-based data Network with a suitable quality of service and much superior cost benefit. ÃË Present offline message passing between the users by selecting a user from predefined offline user list ÃË Present textual communication 1.3 Research Method ÃË Provide authentication to the end users for accessing the VoIP services ÃË Design secure VoIP Configuration system ÃË Attempt to separate VoIP traffic from normal data traffic using either VLANs or a completely separate physical network. ÃË Enable authentication on SIP accounts.Internal Firewalls/ACLs should be cond to block telnet and http traffic from reaching voice VLANs or subnets. 1.4 SCOPE These researches analyze the security and performance issues, it has to research on different security levels and represent various security challenges to modern VoIP system. ÃË This research enhance security methods by analyzing the modern security challenges ÃË To present various security methods; this security methods are explained in chapter -3 to analyze and investigate the security threats and define the solution for obtaining better performance ÃË Balance VoIP security and performance by measuring the services and network traffic ÃË To present VoIP protocols for secure data transmission 1,5 Thesis Organization Chatper-1: Introduction: General Introduction of VoIP, problem definition and Research methods Chapter -2: Literature Review: Review of VoIP deployment and review of security issues and performance and VoIP security background and security challenges Chapter -3: Security process: VoIP security process, managing of VoIP security and security process and define the security solutions Chapter -4: VOIP security and performance: Demonstrate VoIP performance , balancing of security and performance of VoIP Chapter -5: Analysis Report: security and performance analysis and investigation reports of VoIP security and performance and complete project report scenario Chapter -6: Conclusion, Future Enhancement, References and Appendices. CHAPTER -2 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW Background VoIP is a IP telephony which is used to deliver a voice on over internet; which stands for Voice over Internet Protocol which converts a voice signals to digital voice packets and transmit these packets on over network; for transmitting which uses Internet protocol for coordinating voice packets. VoIP can be deployed in dissimilar kind of IP enabled network like Internet, wireless networks, Ethernet. VoIP is a telephony system which takes voice as a analog signals and which converts it into digital format and transmit on over network by using Intern protocol. VoIP service Types VoIP provides different types of voice service according to the communication media infrastructure; the most common services are as follows ÃË Computer to computer based services ÃË PC to phone and phone to PC based services ÃË Phone to phone based VoIP services [6] Computer to computer: A voice exchange in between system to system is one type of communication provides free VoIPs services which it requires related software applications such as gtalk[8], skype[7], messengers. In this services the users need to install same softwares in their respective PCs and exchange their voices same as Peer to Peer services. PC to phone and phone to PC: It is a combination of Internet and circuit switched telephone system. The VoIP application software receives the voice and hand over to the Internet protocol to communicate on over telephone network. VoIP services provide a services to communicate with phone s by establishing VoIP network; an applications such as Skype, messengers are communicate to the phones by converting respective receiving and transmitting formats. In the Phone to PC services the user can communicate from phones to PCs; user can dial to PCs by calling like normal phones; in this services the PC IP address contains a phone number. The user can dial from phone to assigned PC IP address phone number; Skype is a best example for this kind of services, which allows users to purchase a VoIP services to communicate from phone to PC [7]. The most common devices in these services are ÃË VoIP service providers ÃË Modem ÃË Internet services ÃË ATA: Analog Terminal Adaptor, this convert analog signals to voice signals voice signals to analogs singles Phone to phone based VoIP services [6]: Now a days this type of services are using in long distance calls; many communication service provide companies offering long distance calls in very abnormal price by utilizing the PSTN services. VoIP System A Fig- 1 shows a typical VoIP network topology which is a combination of given equipments; the following equipments are 1) Gatekeeper 2) VoIP Gateway 3) VoIP Clients Gatekeeper: A VoIP gatekeeper is a routing manager and central manager in a H 323 IP telephony surroundings. This is an option in a VoIP system which manages end points of a sector. VoIP gatekeeper is useful for managing calls, terminals and gateways. VoIP gatekeeper presents access control, bandwidth control and address translation. VoIP gateway: The VoIP entry convert a voice calls into genuine instant in between Public switch Telephone Network (PSTN) and IP networks. The basic functionalities of VoIP entry are compression, decompression; signal controlling, packetization and call routing. VoIP clients: This equipment represents phones, multimedia PCs 2.1 Security Issues. VoIP Phishing How To prevent VoIP Phishing and avoided getting Trapped You can do prevent VoIP Phishing at home and in your corporation and to avoid yourself and your associates from being keen as a Phishing victim. What is VoIP Phishing and hoe it work VoIP Phishing is a type of assault that lures the user into given personal data like phone number, credit card numbers, and password over a web site. Phishing over VoIP is become uncontrolled as VoIP makes Phishing easers for attacker. Security thread in VoIP While VoIP has become a one of the conventional communication technologies, VoIP user face a serious of security threads lets see this security issues. Firewall A firewall is software is planned to protect a personal networks from illegal access. Firewalls usually block the worthless passage from the outside to the inside of the networks and so on. Over look security You must not look at only at the light side of VoIP. While it is revolutionizing voice and data communication, it does not symbolize some problematic security issues that need that need to be deal with accurately. Quality of Service Issues (Qos) Qos [9] is a basic process of VoIP; if it delivers a good quality of services to the users which are more advantage to the users for saving money; rather than spending much money on other communication services. The Quality is an importance factor for VoIP services providers industries. In Certain level the security issues implementation can degrade the QoS. The security procedures such as firewalls and encryption techniques block the calls and delay the packet delivery. The main QoS issues are ÃË Latency ÃË Jitter ÃË Packet loss ÃË Bandwidth problem Latency: Latency represents a delivery time for voice transmission from source to destination. The ITU-T advice that G.114 [10] establish a many time of constraints on one-way latency .To achieve Quality of Service the VoIP calls must be achieve in a limited bound time. The basic issues in latency are ÃË Time spent on routers and long network distance ÃË Security measures ÃË Voice data encoding ÃË Queuing ÃË Packetization ÃË Composition and decomposition ÃË Decoding Jitter: The non-uniform packets make a packet delivery delay; which it is caused by insufficient bandwidth. The packets are in out of sequence order, for transmitting voice media it uses RTP protocol; this protocol are based on UDP so that it makes the packet in out of order sequence which degrades the QoS by not resembling the protocols at protocol level. Packet Loss: The packet loss increase the latency and jitter; where group of packets are arrived late will be discarded and allow new packets. The packet loss is associated with data network; due to the low bandwidth and high traffic which delays the packet delivery. Bandwidth: The low bandwidth delays a packet delivery which degrades the QoS by increasing the latency and jitter. The data on over network have to distribute into various nodes; the data have to transmit from one node to another node during this transmission if it encounter any problem which it can delays the packet. The entire network design includes routers, firewall and other security measures. Certain time in the network path some of the nodes are unavailable at that time it doesnt deliver the packets to an end users. 2.2 VoIP protocols There are numbers and numbers of network that can be working in organize to offer for VoIP communiquà © service .In this part we will center no which the general to the best part of device deploy. Almost each machine in the globe use a standardization called real time protocol (RTP) for transmit of audio and video packet between the networks. IETF is the founder of RPT. The consignment layout of numbers CODE are define in RFC 3551 (The section ââ¬Å"RTP profiles and pay load format specificationâ⬠of RCF. These sections address items.). Though pay load format section are define in document also published by the ITU (International telecommunication union) and in others IETF RFCs. The RTP mostly deal with issue like packets order and give mechanism to help the address wait. The H.323 [7] standard uses the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) RTP protocol to transport media between endpoints. Because of this, H.323 has the same issues as SIP when dealing with network topologies involving NAT. The easiest method is to simply forward the appropriate ports through your NAT device to the internal client. To receive calls, you will always need to forward TCP port 1720 to the client. In addition, you will need to forward the UDP ports for the RTP media and RTCP con-trol streams (see the manual for your device for the port range it requires). Older cli-ents, such as MS Netmeeting, will also require TCP ports forwarded for H.245tunneling (again, see your clients manual for the port number range). If you have a number of clients behind the NAT device, you will need to use a gate-keeper running in proxy mode. The gatekeeper will require an interface attached to the private IP subnet and the public Internet. Your H.323 client on the private IP subnet will then re gister to the gatekeeper, which will proxy calls on the clients behalf. Note that any external clients that wish to call you will also be required to register with the proxy server. At this time, Asterisk cant act as an H.323 gatekeeper. Youll have to use a separate application, such as the open source OpenH323 Gatekeeper H.323 and SIP Have their origins in 1995 as researchers looked to solve the problem of how to computers can indicate communication in order to exchange audio video files.H.323[12] enjoy the first commercial success due to this fact those who are working on the protocol in ITU[12] worked quickly to publish the first standard in the year 1996. While support of the two protocols on a single gateway is critical, another integral part of dual-protocol deployment is the ability for H.323 gatekeepers and SIP proxies to interwork and share routing capabilities. One method that was introduced to support time-to-market requirements uses routing interaction between a Cisco SIP Proxy Server and an H.323 gatekeeper. The business model for some carriers using the Cisco Global Long Distance Solution is to provide origination and termination of voice-over-IP (VoIP) minutes for several other service providers. This business model has been very successful with deployment of H.323-based services, but these Cisco customers would also like to attract additional SIP-based service providers. Ideally, these customers would like to use their existing voice-gateway infrastructure to support additional SIP-based offerings. Cisco has provided these carriers with a way to add new SIP services by adding capabilities to the Cisco SIP Proxy Server to allow it to ââ¬Å"handshakeâ⬠with an H.323 gatekeeper using the H.323 RAS protocol. By enabling a SIP proxy server to communicate with an H.323 gatekeeper using RAS location request, location confirmation, and location reject messages and responses, a Cisco SIP Proxy Server can obtain optimized routing information from VoIP gateways that have been deployed in the service providers network. The Cisco architecture allows for protocol exibility and enables, one call-by-call basis, use of a particular session protocol. This exibility allows customers to deploy SIP networks on proven packet telephony infrastructures, while still maintaining core H.323 functionality within their networks. With the ability to support the connection of customers and carriers using either rotocol, service providers can offer a variety of application hosting and sharing services, and be more aggressive in pursuing wholesale opportunities via new services. Some principles for coexistence that are critical for successful multiprotocol deployments are transport capabilities across time-division multiplexing (TDM) interfaces, dual tone multifrequency (DTMF) processing capabilities and fax relay support. In deployments where both protocols are used, it is important that there are no performance limitations related to the call mix between SIP and H.323 calls, and that there is no significant deviation in calls-per-second measurements compared to a homogeneous SIP or H.323 network. Cisco gateways provide support for coexistence of SIP and H.323 calls beginning with Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(2)XB. Above illustrates packet voice architectures for wholesale call transport and 2 illustrates termination services for application service providers (ASPs) where SIP and H.323 are used simultaneously for signaling. Reasons for VoIP Deployment When you are using PSTN line, you typically pay for time used to a PSTN line manager company: more time you stay at phone and more youll pay. In addition you couldnt talk with other that one person at a time. In opposite with VoIP mechanism you can talk all the time with every person you want (the needed is that other person is also connected to Internet at the same time), as far as you want (money independent) and, in addition, you can talk with many people at the same time. If youre still not persuaded you can consider that, at the same time, you can exchange data with people are you talking with, sending images, graphs and videos. There are two main reasons to use VoIP: lower cost than traditional landline telephone and diverse value-added services. Low Cost Higher multimedia application: Traditional telephone system requires highly trained technicians to install and custom configuration. Companies find the need to call the service of specialist to implement, simple tasks like moving adding a phone. Modules such as ââ¬Ëvoicemail and the additional lines are the part of perpetual cycle of upgrades and modifications that make telephony support a very profitable business. The methodology use to implement PSTN business phone system is well understood and the industry is very mature. Hence company can make a purchase with the confidence that if they are installing a traditional system it will function and include an excellent supported infrastructure. IDC reports the number of VoIP ports shipped in 2005 will be equal to traditional analogues deployment. Non to be taken lightly, the average lifespan of a voice system range from 5-10 years. In 5 to 10 years, an analogues telephone system will be the exception as opposed to the telephone standards. Qualified technicians, whom are required to work on propriety system, will be difficult to come by. In addition, the prospect of telephone manufacture going out of business or the technology simply being repulsed by a more agile and less costly alternative, are both risks that must be taken into account in well informed decision. Fortunately a company can take few preventive to protect them from outdated system. One such step is use of standards technologies that are back by a number of company and possibly trade group as opposed to a single entity. In VoIP space a good example is session Initiation Protocols, SIP. SIP is supported by the large majority of vendors and is considered the industry standard protocol for VoIP. Beyond analogue lines that terminate from an ISP, The traditional telephony market does not have much interoperability. For example it is not be integrate an Avaya PBX with a Nortel PBX. Hidden cost can be substantial in any technology deployment. The downtime experienced with buggy or poorly implemented technology, in addition to the cost of qualified consultants to remedy such as Challenges of VoIP: Though VoIP is becoming more and more popular, there are still some challenging problems with VoIP: Bandwidth: Network which available is an important anxiety in network. A network can be busted down into many nodes, associations and produce a big quantity of traffic flow, therefore, the availability of each node and link where we only focus on the bandwidth of the VoIP system. An in a data network, bandwidth overcrowding can cause QoS problems, when network overcrowding occur, packets need to be queued which cause latency as well as jitter. Thus, bandwidth must be accurately reserved and billed to ensure VoIP quality. Because data and voice share the same network bandwidth in a VOIP system, the necessary bandwidth condition and allocation become more complex. In a LAN surroundings, switches usually running at 100 Mbps (or 1000 Mbps), upgrading routers and switches can be the effective ways to address the bandwidth bottleneck inside the LAN. Power Failure and Backup Systems: Traditional telephones work on 48 volts which is supplied by the telephone line itself without outside power supply. Thus, traditional telephones can still continue to work even when a power breakdown occurs. However, a backup power system is also required with VOIP so that they can continue to operate during a power breakdown. An organization usually has an uninterruptible power system (UPS) for its network to overcome power failure, [14] Security: As VoIP becomes too popular, the issues related to VoIP network are also very progressively and more arising [15]. W. Chou [16] has investigation the different security of VoIP investigation the different and also given some optional strategies for these issues. In reference [17], the authors also outline the challenges of securing VoIP, and provide guidelines for adopting VoIP technology. Soft phone: Soft phones are installed on system thus should not be used where the security is an anxiety. In todays world, worms, viruses, Trojan houses, spy wares and etc are everywhere on the internet and very complex to defend. A computer could be attacked even if a user does not open the email attachment, or a user does nothing but only visit a compromise web site. Thus use of soft phones could bring high risks for vulnerabilities. Emergency calls: Each traditional telephone link is joined to a physical location, thus emergency tune-up providers can easily track callers locality to the emergency send out office. But dissimilar traditional telephone lines, VoIP technology allows an exacting number could be from anywhere; this made emergency services more problematical, because these emergency call centers cannot get the callers location or it may not be possible to send out emergency services to that location. Although the VoIP providers provide some solutions for emergency calls, there is at rest need of manufacturing principles in VOIP surroundings. Physical security: The most significant issue in VoIP network is Physical security. An attacker can do traffic psychoanalysis once actually they access to VoIP. In between server and gateway, like to determine which parties are communicating. So the physical security policy and some controls are needed to control the VoIP network access mechanism. Otherwise, risks such as insertion of snuffer software by attackers could cause data and all voice connections being intercept. Wireless Security: Connection in wireless network nodes were integrated with VoIP network which receives more and more popular and accepted [18]. The wireless networks are very feeble as compared to Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP). The algorithm for 802.11 is week because WEP can be cracked with public available software. This is the major project in wireless network for example the more common and popular WiFi protected Access (WPF and WPA 20) which administrated by Wi-Fi Alliance are providing more significant security in improvement, the WPA protected is also integrated with wireless technology in VoIP. CHAPTER -3 Related Work 3.0 Security Studies Voice of Internet Protocol is the next generation telecommunications method. It allows to phone calls to be route over a data network thus saving money and offering increased features and productivity. All these benefits come at a price, vulnerability. It is easier to attack and exploit a voice and data network. VoIP will need extra security measures beyond the standard security that is typically implement for a computer network. Many issues need to be addressed such as type of attacks, security, quality of service and VoIP protocols. Voice over IP (VoIP) is a one of the most challenging technology in todays market. The importance of VoIP is rapidly growing, many vendors introducing VoIP services with advanced technologies for improving quality of services and security. In this chapter I am discussing about security models and security process. 3.1 VoIP Security Process: There are many VoIP protocols in the market. Some are proprietary while others are open standards. The two most popular open protocols are H.323 and SIP. They were designed by two different organizations and operate slightly differently. They both have problems with the use of random ports problems with NAT translations and firewalls. Security for VoIP devices and VoIP network is a complex process, securing of VoIP protocols and data streaming invokes at many stages. The most common VoIP vulnerabilities are as follows ÃË Software Related: ÃË Device related ÃË Protocol related ÃË System Configuration related ÃË Application level attacks 3.1.2 Software Related Vulnerabilities: The basic flaws in software vulnerable are operating services and functions problems and quality, operating system interface and administrations [19]. Software application interfaces, software application logic ÃË Software applications ÃË Application interfaces 3.1.3 Device Related Vulnerabilities: One of the most common security threats effects on VoIP hardware devices. In early days the most of the VoIP systems are designed with limited energy power, computing power. Due to the heavy competition in the market many vendors are keeping low cost, they are designing with low cast VoIP hardware devices but due to the changes of software applications, other system infrastructure the system need to regularly updates the device. The most common hardware devices in VoIP are ÃË PCs ÃË Telephone adaptors ÃË Modems ÃË VoIP phones 3.1.4 Protocol Vulnerability: The main protocols in VoIP are H.323 [12] and SIP (Session initiation protocol), these two protocols are commonly used in VoIP hardware system [19]. These protocols overwhelmed with security issues. SIP protocol is a complex protocol which maintains the security in SIP RFC. In SIP the network address translation crack security and which doesnt examine firewalls. H.323 is an International Telecommunication Union standard for audio and video communication across a packet network (National Institute of Standards and Technology 2005). There are four types of devices under H.324: terminals, Gateways, Gatekeepers and Multi-Point Conference Units. The terminals are phones and computers. Gateway provides an exit to other networks. The Gatekeeper handles addressing and call routing while the MCU provided conference call support. H.323 uses other protocols to perform other vital tasks. UDP packets using the Real-Time Transport Protocol transport all data. H.225 handles registration, admissions status, and call signaling. H.235 also handles all security and has four different schemes call Annexes. ââ¬Å"H.323 is a complicated protocolâ⬠. SIP Vulnerabilities Overview The below shows a SIP call flow using SIP and UDP protocols, user can send a voice call through proxy server, the p Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Technology Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Technology ABSTRACT: Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology which attract extra attention and awareness to the world wide business. IP telephonys system will affect the sending voice transmission in the form of packet over the IP network in the VoIP applications. Now a days many industries will use the VoIP technologies to provide the Security. In this project, I provided a variety of VoIP safety intimidation and probable approach to handle the intimidation in VoIP application. VoIP is naturally susceptible to networks attack, like hateful codes (i.e., worms, viruses, Trojans), denial-of-service (DoS), distributed DoS (DDoS), pharming, and (though non malicious) sparkle were crowded. These attacks also spoil grimy system by overriding assets, distracting valid user, compromise private informations, or by demeaning code and records. This break affect the contaminated system, it also destroy the unaffected (or even non-vulnerable) ones. All system associated to the Internet are responsive to hateful code which try to contaminate as much as hosts is probable, cause overcrowding on the network communications. The QoS which is provide to the end user is of highest significance and it is the main issue to implement the VoIP system, since if the exchange is indecipherable then there is no position in giving the service. The major factor which distresses the superiority of services is Latency, Jitter and Packet loss. CHAPTER-1 1.0 Introduction The voice enterprises continuously providing voice conversation services on over broad band by discovering the current market issues and network issues from past 20 years, the voice transition industry undergone various security and network issues to produce better quality voice service to transit on over broad band. The current voice market has been step up into the new level of voice protocols for providing VoIP services during low bandwidth, high level of data and voice transmission provisions. The VOIP technologies allow sharing the resource of WAN for supporting data and voice for saving the cost for transmission process [1]. The VoIP provides many advantages to the enterprises, the migration of voice and telephone application form TDM switch network to IP packet switched network provides many advantages to enterprises during the migration of voice into IP application the enterprises need to provide security to the data applications [2]. However the enterprises need to identify the security issues and employee new techniques to protect against attacks. Security and QoS is a main aspect of VOIP system, the data on voice networks have been attacked by viruses, worms, DOS attacks and other unknown authentication users [3]. The VOIP architecture is a complete network hierarchical structure which is compound with many of the networking devices, the design structure have to ensure that whether the components will cope the unwanted attacks. The protocol structure in a VOIP system is a more sensible factor due to the poor ambitious. Here we introduce the attacks on over VoIP system. VOIP Overview VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol which is the mainly used in the transmission of voice communications through IP network like internet, public switched networks [4]. The concept of VoIP mainly targets of the transmission of voice based messages and applications by using different protocols and is transmitted via the internet. The basic steps involved in the transmission of voice signals through the internet are: à · Conversion of voice to analog and digital signal. à · Compression and conversion of the signal into Internet Protocol Packets to broadcast over Internet. VoIP systems adopt different session control protocols for commanding over the set-up, tear-down of calls and also different audio codecs which allow for encoding the voice signal and allow the transmission. These audio codecs may vary form system to system where some of them are based on the narrow band and some on the compressed speech where some other system may use high fidelity audio codecs. Technologies used to implement VoIP: à · H.323 [12] à · IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) à · Session initiation Protocol (SIP) [5] à · Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) [5] 1.1 Problem Definition In the past days the VoIP security is a not a big concern the people were mainly concerned with the functionalities, cost and the usage, but the VOIP communication trend has been encouraged; the VOIP communication system widely accepted by the people; due to the high acceptance of VOIP system the security issues are main concern. However the VoIP services are rapidly growing in the current voice communication system, many unauthenticated users and hackers are stealing the VoIP services and hacking the services from the service providers and re routing to their personal usage. Some of the security standards are not credential they only supports to authentication over calls, but the problem with the service theft. The security concerns will affect on quality of the system, due to the security tools and security solutions will conflict on quality of service. The system will accept the security tools those tools shouldnt decrease the quality. The basic issue of the quality is firewall. The firewall will blocks the calls for security constrains it will not process the signaling which are allocated to the UDP ports. Due to the security issues on VoIP devices will consumes extra time for packet delivery and which consumes extra time during the call; so it may delay the packet delivery, due to the encryption and decryption mechanism will conflict the call time. 1.2 Objectives of the study The basic objective of this is to detect source of attacked packet on over network ÃË To formally define the network security problems and unauthorized access incidents ÃË To define the most accredited security techniques and security methods ÃË To evaluate the prototype system and packet feature mechanism ÃË Email and other internet message are easily integrated with the voice applications ÃË To support the multimedia applications, which provides less cost effective services for video conference, gaming ÃË To supports a low cost, flat rate pricing on the voice communication over the Public Internet and Intranet services. ÃË Sends the call signaling messages over the IP-based data Network with a suitable quality of service and much superior cost benefit. ÃË Present offline message passing between the users by selecting a user from predefined offline user list ÃË Present textual communication 1.3 Research Method ÃË Provide authentication to the end users for accessing the VoIP services ÃË Design secure VoIP Configuration system ÃË Attempt to separate VoIP traffic from normal data traffic using either VLANs or a completely separate physical network. ÃË Enable authentication on SIP accounts.Internal Firewalls/ACLs should be cond to block telnet and http traffic from reaching voice VLANs or subnets. 1.4 SCOPE These researches analyze the security and performance issues, it has to research on different security levels and represent various security challenges to modern VoIP system. ÃË This research enhance security methods by analyzing the modern security challenges ÃË To present various security methods; this security methods are explained in chapter -3 to analyze and investigate the security threats and define the solution for obtaining better performance ÃË Balance VoIP security and performance by measuring the services and network traffic ÃË To present VoIP protocols for secure data transmission 1,5 Thesis Organization Chatper-1: Introduction: General Introduction of VoIP, problem definition and Research methods Chapter -2: Literature Review: Review of VoIP deployment and review of security issues and performance and VoIP security background and security challenges Chapter -3: Security process: VoIP security process, managing of VoIP security and security process and define the security solutions Chapter -4: VOIP security and performance: Demonstrate VoIP performance , balancing of security and performance of VoIP Chapter -5: Analysis Report: security and performance analysis and investigation reports of VoIP security and performance and complete project report scenario Chapter -6: Conclusion, Future Enhancement, References and Appendices. CHAPTER -2 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW Background VoIP is a IP telephony which is used to deliver a voice on over internet; which stands for Voice over Internet Protocol which converts a voice signals to digital voice packets and transmit these packets on over network; for transmitting which uses Internet protocol for coordinating voice packets. VoIP can be deployed in dissimilar kind of IP enabled network like Internet, wireless networks, Ethernet. VoIP is a telephony system which takes voice as a analog signals and which converts it into digital format and transmit on over network by using Intern protocol. VoIP service Types VoIP provides different types of voice service according to the communication media infrastructure; the most common services are as follows ÃË Computer to computer based services ÃË PC to phone and phone to PC based services ÃË Phone to phone based VoIP services [6] Computer to computer: A voice exchange in between system to system is one type of communication provides free VoIPs services which it requires related software applications such as gtalk[8], skype[7], messengers. In this services the users need to install same softwares in their respective PCs and exchange their voices same as Peer to Peer services. PC to phone and phone to PC: It is a combination of Internet and circuit switched telephone system. The VoIP application software receives the voice and hand over to the Internet protocol to communicate on over telephone network. VoIP services provide a services to communicate with phone s by establishing VoIP network; an applications such as Skype, messengers are communicate to the phones by converting respective receiving and transmitting formats. In the Phone to PC services the user can communicate from phones to PCs; user can dial to PCs by calling like normal phones; in this services the PC IP address contains a phone number. The user can dial from phone to assigned PC IP address phone number; Skype is a best example for this kind of services, which allows users to purchase a VoIP services to communicate from phone to PC [7]. The most common devices in these services are ÃË VoIP service providers ÃË Modem ÃË Internet services ÃË ATA: Analog Terminal Adaptor, this convert analog signals to voice signals voice signals to analogs singles Phone to phone based VoIP services [6]: Now a days this type of services are using in long distance calls; many communication service provide companies offering long distance calls in very abnormal price by utilizing the PSTN services. VoIP System A Fig- 1 shows a typical VoIP network topology which is a combination of given equipments; the following equipments are 1) Gatekeeper 2) VoIP Gateway 3) VoIP Clients Gatekeeper: A VoIP gatekeeper is a routing manager and central manager in a H 323 IP telephony surroundings. This is an option in a VoIP system which manages end points of a sector. VoIP gatekeeper is useful for managing calls, terminals and gateways. VoIP gatekeeper presents access control, bandwidth control and address translation. VoIP gateway: The VoIP entry convert a voice calls into genuine instant in between Public switch Telephone Network (PSTN) and IP networks. The basic functionalities of VoIP entry are compression, decompression; signal controlling, packetization and call routing. VoIP clients: This equipment represents phones, multimedia PCs 2.1 Security Issues. VoIP Phishing How To prevent VoIP Phishing and avoided getting Trapped You can do prevent VoIP Phishing at home and in your corporation and to avoid yourself and your associates from being keen as a Phishing victim. What is VoIP Phishing and hoe it work VoIP Phishing is a type of assault that lures the user into given personal data like phone number, credit card numbers, and password over a web site. Phishing over VoIP is become uncontrolled as VoIP makes Phishing easers for attacker. Security thread in VoIP While VoIP has become a one of the conventional communication technologies, VoIP user face a serious of security threads lets see this security issues. Firewall A firewall is software is planned to protect a personal networks from illegal access. Firewalls usually block the worthless passage from the outside to the inside of the networks and so on. Over look security You must not look at only at the light side of VoIP. While it is revolutionizing voice and data communication, it does not symbolize some problematic security issues that need that need to be deal with accurately. Quality of Service Issues (Qos) Qos [9] is a basic process of VoIP; if it delivers a good quality of services to the users which are more advantage to the users for saving money; rather than spending much money on other communication services. The Quality is an importance factor for VoIP services providers industries. In Certain level the security issues implementation can degrade the QoS. The security procedures such as firewalls and encryption techniques block the calls and delay the packet delivery. The main QoS issues are ÃË Latency ÃË Jitter ÃË Packet loss ÃË Bandwidth problem Latency: Latency represents a delivery time for voice transmission from source to destination. The ITU-T advice that G.114 [10] establish a many time of constraints on one-way latency .To achieve Quality of Service the VoIP calls must be achieve in a limited bound time. The basic issues in latency are ÃË Time spent on routers and long network distance ÃË Security measures ÃË Voice data encoding ÃË Queuing ÃË Packetization ÃË Composition and decomposition ÃË Decoding Jitter: The non-uniform packets make a packet delivery delay; which it is caused by insufficient bandwidth. The packets are in out of sequence order, for transmitting voice media it uses RTP protocol; this protocol are based on UDP so that it makes the packet in out of order sequence which degrades the QoS by not resembling the protocols at protocol level. Packet Loss: The packet loss increase the latency and jitter; where group of packets are arrived late will be discarded and allow new packets. The packet loss is associated with data network; due to the low bandwidth and high traffic which delays the packet delivery. Bandwidth: The low bandwidth delays a packet delivery which degrades the QoS by increasing the latency and jitter. The data on over network have to distribute into various nodes; the data have to transmit from one node to another node during this transmission if it encounter any problem which it can delays the packet. The entire network design includes routers, firewall and other security measures. Certain time in the network path some of the nodes are unavailable at that time it doesnt deliver the packets to an end users. 2.2 VoIP protocols There are numbers and numbers of network that can be working in organize to offer for VoIP communiquà © service .In this part we will center no which the general to the best part of device deploy. Almost each machine in the globe use a standardization called real time protocol (RTP) for transmit of audio and video packet between the networks. IETF is the founder of RPT. The consignment layout of numbers CODE are define in RFC 3551 (The section ââ¬Å"RTP profiles and pay load format specificationâ⬠of RCF. These sections address items.). Though pay load format section are define in document also published by the ITU (International telecommunication union) and in others IETF RFCs. The RTP mostly deal with issue like packets order and give mechanism to help the address wait. The H.323 [7] standard uses the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) RTP protocol to transport media between endpoints. Because of this, H.323 has the same issues as SIP when dealing with network topologies involving NAT. The easiest method is to simply forward the appropriate ports through your NAT device to the internal client. To receive calls, you will always need to forward TCP port 1720 to the client. In addition, you will need to forward the UDP ports for the RTP media and RTCP con-trol streams (see the manual for your device for the port range it requires). Older cli-ents, such as MS Netmeeting, will also require TCP ports forwarded for H.245tunneling (again, see your clients manual for the port number range). If you have a number of clients behind the NAT device, you will need to use a gate-keeper running in proxy mode. The gatekeeper will require an interface attached to the private IP subnet and the public Internet. Your H.323 client on the private IP subnet will then re gister to the gatekeeper, which will proxy calls on the clients behalf. Note that any external clients that wish to call you will also be required to register with the proxy server. At this time, Asterisk cant act as an H.323 gatekeeper. Youll have to use a separate application, such as the open source OpenH323 Gatekeeper H.323 and SIP Have their origins in 1995 as researchers looked to solve the problem of how to computers can indicate communication in order to exchange audio video files.H.323[12] enjoy the first commercial success due to this fact those who are working on the protocol in ITU[12] worked quickly to publish the first standard in the year 1996. While support of the two protocols on a single gateway is critical, another integral part of dual-protocol deployment is the ability for H.323 gatekeepers and SIP proxies to interwork and share routing capabilities. One method that was introduced to support time-to-market requirements uses routing interaction between a Cisco SIP Proxy Server and an H.323 gatekeeper. The business model for some carriers using the Cisco Global Long Distance Solution is to provide origination and termination of voice-over-IP (VoIP) minutes for several other service providers. This business model has been very successful with deployment of H.323-based services, but these Cisco customers would also like to attract additional SIP-based service providers. Ideally, these customers would like to use their existing voice-gateway infrastructure to support additional SIP-based offerings. Cisco has provided these carriers with a way to add new SIP services by adding capabilities to the Cisco SIP Proxy Server to allow it to ââ¬Å"handshakeâ⬠with an H.323 gatekeeper using the H.323 RAS protocol. By enabling a SIP proxy server to communicate with an H.323 gatekeeper using RAS location request, location confirmation, and location reject messages and responses, a Cisco SIP Proxy Server can obtain optimized routing information from VoIP gateways that have been deployed in the service providers network. The Cisco architecture allows for protocol exibility and enables, one call-by-call basis, use of a particular session protocol. This exibility allows customers to deploy SIP networks on proven packet telephony infrastructures, while still maintaining core H.323 functionality within their networks. With the ability to support the connection of customers and carriers using either rotocol, service providers can offer a variety of application hosting and sharing services, and be more aggressive in pursuing wholesale opportunities via new services. Some principles for coexistence that are critical for successful multiprotocol deployments are transport capabilities across time-division multiplexing (TDM) interfaces, dual tone multifrequency (DTMF) processing capabilities and fax relay support. In deployments where both protocols are used, it is important that there are no performance limitations related to the call mix between SIP and H.323 calls, and that there is no significant deviation in calls-per-second measurements compared to a homogeneous SIP or H.323 network. Cisco gateways provide support for coexistence of SIP and H.323 calls beginning with Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(2)XB. Above illustrates packet voice architectures for wholesale call transport and 2 illustrates termination services for application service providers (ASPs) where SIP and H.323 are used simultaneously for signaling. Reasons for VoIP Deployment When you are using PSTN line, you typically pay for time used to a PSTN line manager company: more time you stay at phone and more youll pay. In addition you couldnt talk with other that one person at a time. In opposite with VoIP mechanism you can talk all the time with every person you want (the needed is that other person is also connected to Internet at the same time), as far as you want (money independent) and, in addition, you can talk with many people at the same time. If youre still not persuaded you can consider that, at the same time, you can exchange data with people are you talking with, sending images, graphs and videos. There are two main reasons to use VoIP: lower cost than traditional landline telephone and diverse value-added services. Low Cost Higher multimedia application: Traditional telephone system requires highly trained technicians to install and custom configuration. Companies find the need to call the service of specialist to implement, simple tasks like moving adding a phone. Modules such as ââ¬Ëvoicemail and the additional lines are the part of perpetual cycle of upgrades and modifications that make telephony support a very profitable business. The methodology use to implement PSTN business phone system is well understood and the industry is very mature. Hence company can make a purchase with the confidence that if they are installing a traditional system it will function and include an excellent supported infrastructure. IDC reports the number of VoIP ports shipped in 2005 will be equal to traditional analogues deployment. Non to be taken lightly, the average lifespan of a voice system range from 5-10 years. In 5 to 10 years, an analogues telephone system will be the exception as opposed to the telephone standards. Qualified technicians, whom are required to work on propriety system, will be difficult to come by. In addition, the prospect of telephone manufacture going out of business or the technology simply being repulsed by a more agile and less costly alternative, are both risks that must be taken into account in well informed decision. Fortunately a company can take few preventive to protect them from outdated system. One such step is use of standards technologies that are back by a number of company and possibly trade group as opposed to a single entity. In VoIP space a good example is session Initiation Protocols, SIP. SIP is supported by the large majority of vendors and is considered the industry standard protocol for VoIP. Beyond analogue lines that terminate from an ISP, The traditional telephony market does not have much interoperability. For example it is not be integrate an Avaya PBX with a Nortel PBX. Hidden cost can be substantial in any technology deployment. The downtime experienced with buggy or poorly implemented technology, in addition to the cost of qualified consultants to remedy such as Challenges of VoIP: Though VoIP is becoming more and more popular, there are still some challenging problems with VoIP: Bandwidth: Network which available is an important anxiety in network. A network can be busted down into many nodes, associations and produce a big quantity of traffic flow, therefore, the availability of each node and link where we only focus on the bandwidth of the VoIP system. An in a data network, bandwidth overcrowding can cause QoS problems, when network overcrowding occur, packets need to be queued which cause latency as well as jitter. Thus, bandwidth must be accurately reserved and billed to ensure VoIP quality. Because data and voice share the same network bandwidth in a VOIP system, the necessary bandwidth condition and allocation become more complex. In a LAN surroundings, switches usually running at 100 Mbps (or 1000 Mbps), upgrading routers and switches can be the effective ways to address the bandwidth bottleneck inside the LAN. Power Failure and Backup Systems: Traditional telephones work on 48 volts which is supplied by the telephone line itself without outside power supply. Thus, traditional telephones can still continue to work even when a power breakdown occurs. However, a backup power system is also required with VOIP so that they can continue to operate during a power breakdown. An organization usually has an uninterruptible power system (UPS) for its network to overcome power failure, [14] Security: As VoIP becomes too popular, the issues related to VoIP network are also very progressively and more arising [15]. W. Chou [16] has investigation the different security of VoIP investigation the different and also given some optional strategies for these issues. In reference [17], the authors also outline the challenges of securing VoIP, and provide guidelines for adopting VoIP technology. Soft phone: Soft phones are installed on system thus should not be used where the security is an anxiety. In todays world, worms, viruses, Trojan houses, spy wares and etc are everywhere on the internet and very complex to defend. A computer could be attacked even if a user does not open the email attachment, or a user does nothing but only visit a compromise web site. Thus use of soft phones could bring high risks for vulnerabilities. Emergency calls: Each traditional telephone link is joined to a physical location, thus emergency tune-up providers can easily track callers locality to the emergency send out office. But dissimilar traditional telephone lines, VoIP technology allows an exacting number could be from anywhere; this made emergency services more problematical, because these emergency call centers cannot get the callers location or it may not be possible to send out emergency services to that location. Although the VoIP providers provide some solutions for emergency calls, there is at rest need of manufacturing principles in VOIP surroundings. Physical security: The most significant issue in VoIP network is Physical security. An attacker can do traffic psychoanalysis once actually they access to VoIP. In between server and gateway, like to determine which parties are communicating. So the physical security policy and some controls are needed to control the VoIP network access mechanism. Otherwise, risks such as insertion of snuffer software by attackers could cause data and all voice connections being intercept. Wireless Security: Connection in wireless network nodes were integrated with VoIP network which receives more and more popular and accepted [18]. The wireless networks are very feeble as compared to Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP). The algorithm for 802.11 is week because WEP can be cracked with public available software. This is the major project in wireless network for example the more common and popular WiFi protected Access (WPF and WPA 20) which administrated by Wi-Fi Alliance are providing more significant security in improvement, the WPA protected is also integrated with wireless technology in VoIP. CHAPTER -3 Related Work 3.0 Security Studies Voice of Internet Protocol is the next generation telecommunications method. It allows to phone calls to be route over a data network thus saving money and offering increased features and productivity. All these benefits come at a price, vulnerability. It is easier to attack and exploit a voice and data network. VoIP will need extra security measures beyond the standard security that is typically implement for a computer network. Many issues need to be addressed such as type of attacks, security, quality of service and VoIP protocols. Voice over IP (VoIP) is a one of the most challenging technology in todays market. The importance of VoIP is rapidly growing, many vendors introducing VoIP services with advanced technologies for improving quality of services and security. In this chapter I am discussing about security models and security process. 3.1 VoIP Security Process: There are many VoIP protocols in the market. Some are proprietary while others are open standards. The two most popular open protocols are H.323 and SIP. They were designed by two different organizations and operate slightly differently. They both have problems with the use of random ports problems with NAT translations and firewalls. Security for VoIP devices and VoIP network is a complex process, securing of VoIP protocols and data streaming invokes at many stages. The most common VoIP vulnerabilities are as follows ÃË Software Related: ÃË Device related ÃË Protocol related ÃË System Configuration related ÃË Application level attacks 3.1.2 Software Related Vulnerabilities: The basic flaws in software vulnerable are operating services and functions problems and quality, operating system interface and administrations [19]. Software application interfaces, software application logic ÃË Software applications ÃË Application interfaces 3.1.3 Device Related Vulnerabilities: One of the most common security threats effects on VoIP hardware devices. In early days the most of the VoIP systems are designed with limited energy power, computing power. Due to the heavy competition in the market many vendors are keeping low cost, they are designing with low cast VoIP hardware devices but due to the changes of software applications, other system infrastructure the system need to regularly updates the device. The most common hardware devices in VoIP are ÃË PCs ÃË Telephone adaptors ÃË Modems ÃË VoIP phones 3.1.4 Protocol Vulnerability: The main protocols in VoIP are H.323 [12] and SIP (Session initiation protocol), these two protocols are commonly used in VoIP hardware system [19]. These protocols overwhelmed with security issues. SIP protocol is a complex protocol which maintains the security in SIP RFC. In SIP the network address translation crack security and which doesnt examine firewalls. H.323 is an International Telecommunication Union standard for audio and video communication across a packet network (National Institute of Standards and Technology 2005). There are four types of devices under H.324: terminals, Gateways, Gatekeepers and Multi-Point Conference Units. The terminals are phones and computers. Gateway provides an exit to other networks. The Gatekeeper handles addressing and call routing while the MCU provided conference call support. H.323 uses other protocols to perform other vital tasks. UDP packets using the Real-Time Transport Protocol transport all data. H.225 handles registration, admissions status, and call signaling. H.235 also handles all security and has four different schemes call Annexes. ââ¬Å"H.323 is a complicated protocolâ⬠. SIP Vulnerabilities Overview The below shows a SIP call flow using SIP and UDP protocols, user can send a voice call through proxy server, the p
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare :: Romeo and Juliet Essays
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare In this course work I will be seeing how Shakespeare shows Romeo's change of mood in Act 5, Scene 1. I will include what Romeo says and does as well as the audience reaction. I will also talk about Romeo's character in this scene, his visit to the apothecary and what happened to Juliet. By the time this scene is performed, Romeo has been banished from Verona and Juliet. The scene starts with Romeo in Mantua, where he hears the news of Juliet's death. Before he hears the news he is reminiscing a dream he had had the night before (lines 1-11), "I dreamt my lady came and found me dead-Strange dream, that gives a dead man leave to thinkà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦" When Balthasar enters, Romeo is very anxious to hear news from Verona and asks several questions. He even repeats himself, "How doth my lady? Is my father well? How doth my lady? That I ask again, for nothing can be ill if she be well." Unfortunately for Romeo, there is no good word from Verona, only bad, "Her Body sleeps in Capel's Monument.." In hearing this, Romeo becomes aggressive and emotional. He will not wait for anything or anyone to tell him what he should do now. He says, "Is it e'en so? Then I defy you, stars!" Romeo will not wait for the stars to dictate what he should do now. He acts in defiance. Shakespeare uses this line to represent fate or fortune. The audience reaction is not that of shock but of sadness and bereavement for Juliet. There is also a sense of pity for Romeo. Once Balthasar has left Romeo begins to talk to himself. He talks about an apothecary he had seen. He begins to describe it, "And in his needy shop, a tortoise hung, an alligator stuff'd, and other skins of ill shap'd fishesà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦" The mood of the play changes instantly. It becomes dark and evil. Romeos emotions become very clear in line 50. He is deeply depressed and it is evident that he has given up on life, "An
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Pearl River Piano
Introduction PRPG was a state-owned enterprise and was developed form an old piano factory in Guangzhou of China. The piano factory is located Pearl River, so that the brand ofà pianoà isà calledà Pearlà River. Sinceà theà adoptionà ofà anà open-doorà policy,à Chinaexploited a range of new opportunities provided by a market-oriented economy forà expanding production, employments, and profits through free trade markets. As a result, PRPG face a chance due to import technology and export products, and then they were expended to become Pearl River piano Industrial Corporation.Theirà à business become moreà successful , fter they merger with several small company. In2000, PRPG had more than 130 strategic alliance through-outs the country, in addition to 208 sales units. Question1 Drawing onà industry- resource- andà institution-based views, explain howà PRPG,fromà its humble roots,à managed toà becomeà Chinaââ¬â¢sà largestà and theà worldââ¬â¢s second largest piano producer. 1. 1 Industry-based view Rivalryà amongà establishedà firmsà mayà promptà certainà moves. PRPGà faceà somechallenges, since piano is traditional European musical instrument, European pianoshas a long history, and they always target upper market, such as Steinway.PRPG will faceà aà strongà challengeà whenà theyà targetà upperà market. Forà example,à althoughYAMAHA is the largest piano producers, they focus on medium and low-end market;however, Tong would like their PRPG become best brand, next only to Steinway. Inaddition, PRPG not only import technology of piano making, but also learn andintroduce western culture to them. Higher the entry barriers, PRPG face the difficult entre in USà market; the US peopledo not believe PRPG can make low price high quality products. PRPG cannot easily target foreign people.US people stay loyal to their local product. The bargaining power of buyers may lead to certa in foreign market entries. In USmarket, there are many competitors, such as Steinway. Steinway product always target upper market. Buyers may buy Steinway product, rather than PRPG. 1. 2 Resource-based view in 1960-1980, the factory had very low productivities, lowcompetitive ability, even less than 100 labors and produce only 13 pianos per year. The industry introduced total quality of management in 1988, and they also promoteISO 9000 in 1998.Moreover, they built business partnership with YAMAHA via joint venture. Asà aà result,à PRPGà learnedà higherà technologyà skillà viaà businessà activities. PRPG not only import technology of piano making, but also learn and introducewestern culture to them. Tong pay attention to communicate with their employees in order to build goodââ¬Å"GUANXIâ⬠. Tong also established close relationship with some famous world well-know piano players, and recommended they play their Pearl River piano in theirà concerts. This is à ¢â¬Ëcelebrity's appealââ¬â¢ strategy in order to target people.Innovation included the importation of new technology in production and quality measurement and production innovation. Production innovation can be concluded developing a wide range of pianos to meet the upper-, medium- and low-end marketin order to target different consumersââ¬â¢ group. 1. 3 Institution-based view Regulatory risksThese risks are associated with unfavorable government policies. Since the adoptionof an open-door policy, PRPG is allowed import high technology and export theirà à products. As a WTO member, the governmentââ¬â¢s has been encouraging local industries to learn from their foreign partners.Currency riskà Chinaà isà becomingà anà exportà powerhouse,à whichà causedà theà frictionà withà otherà countries, United States in particular. The U. S. senators urging the Whitehouse toexert pressure to China for RMB revaluation most recently and President Obama gavean official statement to point out RMB should be appreciated. Chinaââ¬â¢s direct responseto RMB rate issue can be found in Premier Wen JiaBaoââ¬â¢s answer in the pressconference just after the NPC;amp;CPCC* this month in Beijing. Premier Wen claimedRMB is not raise in value by presenting Chinaââ¬â¢s increased figure of imp/expo absolutevalue in 2009.Question 2Why didà Tong believe thatà PRPG must engageà in significant internationalization(instead of the current direct export strategy) at this point? Chinaà isà aà countryà withà aà hugeà exportingà activities,à recentlyà ità isà changingà itsexporting mode which from low-wage and low-labor-cost advantage towards high-tech, high-value-added exports. Pearl River Piano Group, a state-owned company inChina, had been stimulated from a slow-moving Chinese firm founded in theà 1956 toa booming global company with growing sales in domestic market and internationalmarket.While it has a good performanc e in the low-end product segment in the international market, there was an issue about whether Pearl River Piano could be awell-known global brandà by ascending to theà mid-high product segment, and whetherà it could achieve sustained growth by building a reputable and high-quality brandname in the world. 2. 1 Direct exports Directà exportsà representà theà mostà basicà modeà ofà entry,à whichà capitalizesà oneconomized of scale in production concentrated in the home country and affordsà better control over distribution.However, if the products involved are bulky. This strategy essentially treats foreign demand as an extension of domestic demand,and the firm is geared toward designing and producing for the domestic market firstand foremost. While direct exports may work if the export volume is small, it is notoptimal when the firm has a large number of foreign buyers. 2. 2 Dissatisfied of theà Pearl River piano progress Theà companyà establishedà aà jointà ventureà withà Yamahaà inà 1995. Throughà thisà partnership, PRPG learned how to make a world-class and high quality product.Bythe end of 2000, PRPG was the largest piano builder in china, the second largest in theworld, with an annual production capacity of overà 100,000 pianos. The company hadmore than 4,000 employees with a total asset value of approximately $130 million. Also it diversified into other musical instrument, and contains more than 50% ofà à piano market in China. However, Tong did not satisfy this progress; he thought thePearl River piano could be a world class brand. 2. 3 Competition in domestic marketHundreds of private companies began entering the market and competing with theirà low quality and low price products. Such as the old well-known brand Star Sea and NiEr, and numbers of emerging piano builder company with a low price products. 2. 4 Future prospects of PRPG According to the case, Tong believed that the company could s urvive by themselvesin domestic market; however it is impossible for an entrepreneur to stay in the sameà position permanently. And he thought that the company had made some successes, butit is not enough for a company to stay in the good position.The company is stilldeveloping and it needs to extend business in the global market in order to satisfycompanyââ¬â¢s strategy. 2. 5 Challenges in international market Whenà comparedà withà otherà Chineseà pianoà builders,à PRPGà hadà gainedà someexperience in exporting. Tong believed that although theà piano market in theà US was mature, PRPG could still take advantage in the market. Because US haveà a high levelof labor cost, PRPG could take advantage of cheap labor cost in China with high levelof product quality to gain market position in US market. On the other hand, it isdifficult to enter into the US market.If company want to extend business in USmarket, firstly PRPG need to introduce the US partner to t he Chinese market, as anexchange for itsà entry to theà US market. Finally, PRPG established aà sales subsidiaryin the US market for further expands. 2. 6 Building world class brand Direct exporting could be an efficient way for company to make sales, but it onlysuitable for a short term development. For long term, PRPG must build its world classà brand and provide high quality product to target upper level markets in order tomaximize profit for sustainable development.Question 3If you were one of the professors who visited Tong in March of 2000, how wouldyou have briefed him about the pros and cons of various foreign market entryoptions? 3. 1 Non-equity modes (exports and contractual agreements) Tends to reflect relatively smaller commitments to overseas markets, which do notcall require independent organizations. 3. 11 Exports 1) Direct exports: treats foreign demand as an extension ofà domestic demand, and thefirm is geared toward designing and producing for the domesti c market first andforemost. ) Indirect exports: exporting through domestically based export intermediaries. 1 Nonââ¬âequitymodes: 1 Non-equity modes : Exports| Pros| Cons| | Economics of scale in production concentrated in home country. | High transportation costs for bulky products. | Direct Exports| Better control over distribution (relative to indirect export)| Marketing distance from customers. | à | à | Trade barriers. | Indirect exports| Concentration of resources on production. | Less control over distribution (relative to direct exports)| à | No need to directly handle export processes. Inability to learn how to operate overseas. | 3. 12 Contractual agreements 1)à Licensing/franchising:à theà licensor/franchiserà sellsà theà rightsà toà intellectualà property such as patents and know-how to the licensee/franchisee for a royalty fee. 2) Turnkey projects: projects inà which clients pay contractors toà design andà constructnew facilities and tr ain personnel. 3) R;amp;D contracts: outsourcing agreements in R;amp;D between firms (that is, firm Aagrees to perform certain R;amp;D work for firm B). 4)à Comarketing:à agreementsà amongà aà numberà ofà firmsà toà jointlyà marketà their products and services. Non-equity modes : Contractual agreements| Pros| Cons| à | Low development costs. | Little control over technology and marketing| Licensing/Franchising| Low risk in overseas expansion. | May create competitors| à | | Inability to engage in global coordination. | Turnkey projects| Ability to earn returns from process technology in countries where FDI is restricted| May create efficient competitors. | à | | Lack of long-term presence. | | Ability to tap into the best locations for certain innovations at low costs. | Diffecult to negotiate and enforce contracts. R;amp;D contracts| | May nurture innovative competitors. | à | | May lose core innovation capabilities. | Co-marketing| Ability to reach m ore customers. | Limited coordination. | 3. 2 Equity modes (joint ventures and wholly owned subsidiaries) Indicate relatively larger, harder to reverse commitments, and equity modes call forà establishing independent organizations overseas. 3. 21 Joint ventures : a new entity given birth and jointly owned by two or more parent companies. 3 Equity modes : Joint venture| Pros| Cons| | Sharing costs and risks. | Divergent goals and interests of partners. à | Access to partners' knowledge and assets. | Limited equity and operational control. | à | Politically acceptable. | Difficult to coordinate globally. | 3. 22 Wholly ownedà subsidiaries 1) Green-field operations: building factories and offices from scratch. 2) Acquisition:à A corporate actionà in whichà aà companyà buysà most, ifà notà all, of thetarget company's ownership stakes in order to assume control of the target firm. 4 Equity modes: Wholly owned subsidiaries| Pros| Cons| | Complete equity and operati onal control. | Potential political problems and risks. Green-field projects| Protection of technology and know-how. | High development costs. | à | à | Slow entry speed (relative to acquisitions)| Acquisitions| Same as green-field (above)| Same as green-field (above), except slow speed. | à | Fast entry speed| Post-acquisition integration problems. | Question 4 Again, if you were one of those professors, what method would you have tosuggest as a way to tackle the US market? Method has been talked before: Joint venturesà Nowadays, joint ventures have been the main form of foreign direct investment (FDI). 4. 1 Problems to tackle the US market: 4. 1 How toà get a partnership withà local company? US don't believe Chinese company can make good quality and cheap price products. They don't trust overseas company. They consider Chinese company as a competitorà more than a partner. 4. 12 Administrative requirements: US government wants their own people to benefit from industri alization. So they pushforeign investors to ally with local firms before graniting access to market. 4. 2à Suggestions: 4. 21Share ownership with US companies: Increase the trust each other Goal: encourage some ethnic citizens to participate in industrial development. To
Friday, November 8, 2019
Bomb shelter Essays
Bomb shelter Essays Bomb shelter Essay Bomb shelter Essay Bomb Shelter You own a bomb shelter. It can hold all of your loved ones, and has room for five other individuals. Using the list below, select five individuals to take with you into the bomb shelter if a nuclear war is imminent. 1 . Space Engineer- has worked with NASA and is valued for knowledge in all aspects of nuclear physics, chemistry, genetics and biochemistry. 2. Police office- has worked in inner city environments. Is strong, honest, and able to deal with authority. 3. Social Worker- Is respected for ability to work within the system to protect the lifer of clients. Works with abused children and the abusive parents 4. Flight Attendant- Is valued for the ability to keep calm in crisis. Has survived a crash and was helpful in saving lives of passengers. Well reason for keeping ,this individual seems to work well under pressure , also has first aid, C P R and knowledge experience of dealing with all types of attitudes for survival. 5. Lawyer- has worked as a county prosecutor, in legal aid, private practice, and is up for a district court Judgeship. 6. Minister- Known for complete faith in God and knowledge of the Bible. Is knowledgeable about all religions of the world and their philosophies. 7. Jazz Pianist- Is well respected as a composer and musician. Has produced an album. 8. Librarian- Is very knowledgeable about many areas of study, including husbandry, space, science fiction, news and world events, etc. This person is needed to keep others occupied with knowledge and with expertise and also a people person with a fair social concept of relation and survival. 9. Agricultural Specialist- Has worked in state extension services and is very knowledgeable about horticulture. To utilize expertise Rexroth and cultivation to food also a determined individual to not except defeat. 10. Mechanic- Is known for being able to fix anything mechanical. Head strong individual that enjoys repairing and having a inventive imagination for mechanical surrounding for transportation and military equipotent physically inclined. 11. 1 1 . Carpenter- When there is work to be done, works hard and long hours to complete a project. Hard working, determined individual also with imagination and physically inclined. 12. Counter Cultural- has lived on communes and was arrested for involvement in protests against nuclear power plants. 13. Disabled Veteran-ls very loyal to government. Served in the Vietnam war. 14. Hair Dresser- has received training in all aspects of cosmetology. Has won several awards for creative hair dressing. 15. Licensed Practical Nurse-Knowledgeable about first aid. Has worked in emergency rooms, intensive care, and pediatrics. Bomb shelter By brightness
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Adult Learning Theories
Adult Learning Theories Using Theorist Knowles & Dewey John Dewey: The later works 1938- 1939, Vol. 13 (pp. 1- 62). Carbondale, IL: SIU Press. Over half a century ago, Dewey (1938) expressed the belief that all genuine education comes through experience (Dewey 1938). Since then, many educators have struggled with the complex implications of that simply stated notion. Recognizing its complexity, Dewey advised using those cases in which we find there is a real development of desirable [experiences] and to find out how this development took place (p. 4) and using this new understanding to guide our efforts at teaching and learning. The notion of inquiry appears in many places in Dewey's work, though he began to refer to it using that term only in his later writings. In Experience and Education (1939/1991), Dewey wrote, "the immediate and direct concern of an educator is â⬠¦ with the situations in which interaction takes place" (Dewey 1938) Dewey writes of a ââ¬Å"new education,â⬠wherein, rather than learning from ââ¬Å"texts and teachers,â⬠students learn from experience and there is ââ¬Å"active participation by the students in the development of what is taught.â⬠Dewey argues that this model breaks down the barrier between school and the rest of a studentââ¬â¢s life, making a more fluid usefulness of knowledge gained in and outside of school. It only seems logical that students will invest more in knowledge that they have created themselves and can share with others in many areas of life. It gives the students the chance to become both teacher and learner. Preparing for full lives as citizens and individuals; embedding inclusion, teamwork, creativity and innovation and to live rich and fulfilling lives as citizens and individuals, learners must be prepared for and have access to choices that affect their futures. But the purpose for learning does not lie only in the future; skills, knowledge, and experiences must have meaning in ... Free Essays on Adult Learning Theories Free Essays on Adult Learning Theories Adult Learning Theories Using Theorist Knowles & Dewey John Dewey: The later works 1938- 1939, Vol. 13 (pp. 1- 62). Carbondale, IL: SIU Press. Over half a century ago, Dewey (1938) expressed the belief that all genuine education comes through experience (Dewey 1938). Since then, many educators have struggled with the complex implications of that simply stated notion. Recognizing its complexity, Dewey advised using those cases in which we find there is a real development of desirable [experiences] and to find out how this development took place (p. 4) and using this new understanding to guide our efforts at teaching and learning. The notion of inquiry appears in many places in Dewey's work, though he began to refer to it using that term only in his later writings. In Experience and Education (1939/1991), Dewey wrote, "the immediate and direct concern of an educator is â⬠¦ with the situations in which interaction takes place" (Dewey 1938) Dewey writes of a ââ¬Å"new education,â⬠wherein, rather than learning from ââ¬Å"texts and teachers,â⬠students learn from experience and there is ââ¬Å"active participation by the students in the development of what is taught.â⬠Dewey argues that this model breaks down the barrier between school and the rest of a studentââ¬â¢s life, making a more fluid usefulness of knowledge gained in and outside of school. It only seems logical that students will invest more in knowledge that they have created themselves and can share with others in many areas of life. It gives the students the chance to become both teacher and learner. Preparing for full lives as citizens and individuals; embedding inclusion, teamwork, creativity and innovation and to live rich and fulfilling lives as citizens and individuals, learners must be prepared for and have access to choices that affect their futures. But the purpose for learning does not lie only in the future; skills, knowledge, and experiences must have meaning in ...
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